
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Halloween, Chapter 10 Harry Potter

Today in reading we read the chapter Halloween from Harry Potter, We did some activity about them, Have you ever heard about Harry Potter? Or do YOU Read Harry Potter?

Comment your most FAVORITE Halloween, And why its your favorite

Friday, April 24, 2020

Digital Time

Today in math we did the activity about Digital Time. Have you ever heard about digital time? At the end of the slides theirs so games you can play thats based on time, you should give them a go! Anyway, heres my slides about Digital Time! Comment what math things you have been doing on your hangouts and what you know about time!

Have a good day/night!


Monday, April 20, 2020

Telling Time

Today's Session in math was about time! We learnt even more different ways how to say the time like 7,11 or 8 thirty! We did a sheet and we used the Teaching Clock Its a thing were you can change the ways the clock goes and stuff! Heres my one!

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Dragons Wings

My Bucket List Comic!

This week in writing we made a comic about our bucket list! We used the program Pixton, Its an app were you can make a comic! Id recommend making a comic over the lock down! The tricky thing was you had to keep on changing the background and the character and the text. But the fun bit was how you could change the outfit and their pose and expressions! Heres my comic!:

People used in this Comic:
Day 1; Sophie And Me
Day 2; Cara/Miss McLeod And Me
Day 3; Angela And Me
Day 4; Sovereign And Me
Day 5-7 ; Me

 Comment what you like about it and what i should change

if you made it this far in my blog post, at the end of your comment write a smiley face like this, :)