
Monday, November 1, 2021

Writing - Snow Leopard Info Report

 For the best week we've been working on a piece of writing called a information report. we had a few choices of endangered animals but i choose the snow leopard. it was a bit hard to add detail into the paragraphs but fun to learn more about them! Anyways, heres my writing!! telll me what i would add or take away, anyways read ahead!!



You've heard of a Leopard but do you know about the endangered species known as the snow leopards? They are endangered because theres only 4000-6000 left in the world. Snow leopards are an apex predator which means they are at the top of their food chain just like us. Their scientific name is the Panthera Uncia. 


These animals have a beautiful furry coat with a somelike cheetah print on it. People call them the snow cheetahs for that resemblance. They have soft fur which becomes even thicker in winter to keep the kitty warm. They camouflage into their habitat because of their white fluffy fur which also has a tint of yellow and brown. 


They love to munch on farm animals such as sheep, goats, horses and yak calves. They also eat blue sheep, deer, ibex and marmots. But that's pretty bad for them. They are hunted by farmers for eating their pets. But that's only one reason they are endangered…. 


These kittens like to live in the high mountains of Asia where it's all snowy. They live in 12 different countries in Asia such as Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, Russia and alot more so lots of choices! Just like the Antarctic, their snow is melting from climate change. That's another reason why they are endangered. 


To summarise this, we'll have to try our best to persuade people to stop poaching these cute little creatures. Although their coats are gorgeous and soft, you don't need to wear them! I hope I've somewhat helped you learn or maybe even changed your mind! So please, do your small part! Maybe even look into these websites: WWF or maybe even Take Action? Anyways, thank you for your time.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Maori colours and classroom objects

 Hello! Today in Te reo maori we learnt how to say the sentence He _(something)___ tēnei and all the basic colours in Maori. We did the digital thing of a class and we had to name all of the objects in the class with the reply He __(something __colour)__ (t)ēnei. Ēnei means these and tēnei means this. For example i could hold up a handful of blue pens and you would say He pene kahurangi ēnei. It was a bit hard trying to put in the macrons and finding out what it is in Maori. Anyways, if you have any questions... Comment below!! Heres my BEAUTIFUL work!! ^U^

Monday, July 26, 2021

Digital art part ( idk )

Hello peeps! Today's digital art is a volleyball. it looks really cool! the questions where multiplication and division. today is our first day back at school! 2 of the question where a bit hard but it was fun! I liked watching the picture form. you can try it yourself here so yeah, heres the picture! 


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Diamante Matariki Poem

Hello people today i made a diamante poem about matariki because matariki wasn't that long ago! It was a bit hard finding verbs and nouns and stuff. i liked to publish it and stuff, that was my favourite bit! Comment what you know about matariki! Heres my poem :)

Monday, July 5, 2021

Digital Art 4 (i think)


Hello people! Today the people in percentages in Miss McLeod's maths group did another digital art thing. this time it was times tables. It was pretty easy! I enjoyed watching the picture grow into the thingy. I Hope we get to do another one!! :D You can try for yourself here  :) thank you for reading and bye bye 

Monday, June 28, 2021

Maths Digital Pixel Art!

 Hello people! today i did another pixel art!! I enjoyed watching the pixels join together to make the picture! Beware as there is spoilers below this!!! :o SOme of the questions made me stuck for a second but i worked through it!! You can try it for yourself here! make sure to comment that you did it in the comments so thta i can see your blog!! Have you ever done this before??


Thursday, June 24, 2021

Student Summit

 Hellooooo! Today me and 15 other people went to Hornby Primary school to learn about different things. I was a presenter and we were doing cody rocky's. Which you can find more about in this slide here. I went to the workshop Animation Hacks and How To Upgrade Your Google Slides. I made a slide with all the things that i did here. This was very fun to do! Here you can find pictures of my class working and presenting! Heres my presenter groups blogs: An, Sophie. There was some difficulties with the ipads but we got through it. It was kind of tricky trying to make the eyes in the Animation hacks but I think i did really good! It was very fun trying this out so i wish i can do it another time! :) Thank you for listening to my blog post. Please leave a comment on what i can improve on! Thank you for your time, Ella-Pearl<3

(Make sure to show some love to the other schools!! And click the links!)

(Not actual love but check out there blogs and stuff :) )

Ending it of with 2 photos: 

ew what is my hairline [dead] --------------------->

Friday, June 18, 2021

Food Brain Teaser

 Hi readers today i am showing you this brain teaser i did. in the end there was this cheeky little trick they did so see if you can spot it. I had to change my answer 3 times! I added in how i got the answer and stuff. You can try to work it out here even though the answer is right under this so uh yeah. Leave stuff that i can improve on and yeah, have a good day!! (or night)

answers r under this

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Digital Pixel Art!!

 Hello! Today we did a challenge that included making pixel art! one of my best skills merged together. that made me happy :) It was fun to do the answers because they weren't that hard to do. The one thing i found tricky was a question that said '12+43+34+33=' that stuck me for a minute but i got the answer! You can try it yourself here! Id love to see your answers on your blog and stuff. please, comment if you think i need to add some extra tings into my blurb and ill try my best to reply to all th comments in my free time!! anyway, heres the picture,


theres a bit of bad grammar and stuff here