
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Whats A Quality Blog Post!? Find Out Here!

Ello, Im Ella-Pearl and today in writing we did some slides about what a quality blog post should have! All blog post should at least have some labels, A catchy title and a blurb! Comment what you think a quality blog post should have! When you look through these slides, if YOU have made a blog post before... Check if they have these things! If you do all these things, You will be able to get loads of page viewers and they would what to come back! Also if you click on the picture you can go to their blogs and read their other blogs!

Well heres my slides!

Certificate For a Soccer Dad

Hello! Im Ella-Pearl! Today Im blogging a Certificate that I made on Week 7? I dont know but it was from a book that we read, Me and Kate called him a Soccer dad! The story is about a daughter forces the dad to play Soccer even though hes had no experience at all! He ends up giving his team loads of red cards! 

Do you play any sports and who made you interested in playing them!? Here´s the Certificate that I made for him!:

Friday, May 1, 2020

Prehistoric Times!

A few weeks ago we made a comic about prehistoric times using the app Pixton (its free to use!)! We had to make a comic about the what we/the person in the comic think about prehistoric times! Most of us (Including me) Made it so that we went back in time! I made mine about me and my friend Ella, traveled back in time and we find some dinosaurs, We run away from them and hide in a tiki tent, Read more to find out what happens next! The thing i found challenging was trying to always remember to put the speech marks! But eventually i got way better at doing it!

Make sure to comment what you do if you where in a situation like this!

Heres my comic!


Is It True!? - Comic Writing

This week in writing we have been making another comic using Pixton (Click Here For Link) To make a TV show about a truth or a lie! I chose to name the show Is It True? Its a game where the guest (Me) tell the audience (You) a Truth about me and a Lie about me, Can Y O U figure out the Truth And The Lie!? I thing I found challenging is always moving around the faces and their body/ movements.

Each week we do a new comic or learn a new way to make our writing better!

!!CHALLENGE!!  Maybe you guys can maybe spot out what has changed from my Bucket List comic, and my Is It True!? Comic! Comment what you think is the Lie And The Truth!

Heres my comic! Remember... Choose carefully, Whats the Truth! And whats the Lie! ALSO P.S put WHY you think its the lie, and why its the truth!