
Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Re-Posting this on December 15th 2021 to see how much progress I made.

How many page views do you have? right now as I post this I have 1,525 page views.

Do you still watch Tommyinnit, Quackity, Dream, Skeppy, etc.? 

Did you learn anything new in maths?

Did your writing get published?

How is it like being a Year 6?

Any new friends?

Are you still playing Basketball?

Are THEY still bothering you/have you sorted it out?

Picture of me then                      Picture of me now                                   


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Habitat Destruction - Inquiry

For inquiry Mrs Jones group has been learning about endangered animals and habitats and how they got ruined. We've been learning for about 7 weeks (The whole term). We now have been doing a D.L.O on what we have learnt about Habitat destruction on land and in the ocean. We were also trying to help you learn something new so I hope you did! It was also hard to try and fit everything but I didn't end up fitting everything because I think I went overboard with the decor. Anyway here is my D.L.O, im very proud of it. Also, tell me if you want a tutorial on the text bit. Ok, Here you go! 

Eerie Elephants - Information Report

In writing we have been writing information reports about endangered animals. We have a pretty long list but out of all of them I chose the Elephant because of its uniqueness. It was kinda hard to research enough to make 5 paragraphs (Introduction, Food, Habitat, Appearance and conclusion.) So anyway enough talking so heres my writing!!

Eerie Elephants


Do you know that elephants can't jump?

Elephants are an amazing animal, unfortunately they are endangered. Sadly, people kill elephants for their tusks, even though it's illegal, people made one eyed decisions.


Elephants are scattered around the regions of Asia and Africa in the savannas, grasslands and highlands. The elephants are like the janitors for savannas because they eat the shrubs so that new grass can grow. Do you know that elephants are important ecosystem engineers for forested habitats too? They make pathways for animals to pass through.


Elephants are most known for they’re big ears, being the biggest ears of any living animal. Newborn elephants can weigh between about 90kgs to 121kgs, NEWBORNS! There are three species known of elephants and one of them is pretty unique. The Asian and Asian Bush Elephant, flick mud and dirt onto their back to keep them from not overheating but because the Africa Forest elephant’s ears are flatter than the others which helps them keep cool. Most people think all elephants are a light greyish colour but they usually aren't. They are supposedly dark grey but they also can be the same colour as the soil in their habitat is.


Elephants are herbivores meaning they are like a vegetarian. Despite being one of the biggest animals on earth, they prefer small things like small plants, twigs, tree bark and roots. Do you also know that Elephants like cake? Adult Elephants can consume up to 300 pounds of food in a single day, if us humans ate that much food, we’d definitely gain a bit. An elephant eats by ripping the food out of the ground or picking it up by its trunk and bends its trunk and puts it in its mouth. Some people don't know this but the end of the elephant's trunk isn’t its mouth. 


These Elephants are very unique and are getting killed because of poachers. If you’d like to help the elephants you can not buy ivory because you’d encourage the shop to make more clothes or accessories out of it and maybe even sign up for an elephant helper website. I hope this report helped you learn something new!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Kakapo DLO - Reading

     Hello! In reading we have been learning about Kakapos! First, we did a KWL. I know a bit about Kakapos but now as much as you probably think I know. Now, if you'd like a tutorial on how to make the text in Kakapo please tell me because it isn't that hard. Anyway, I felt it was hard to make the DLO original, so I just did some notepads. I could also do a tutorial on that too! HAve you even seen or researched about a Kakapo!? If so, tell me about it in the comments! So, i'm going to show you it now. Feel free to give me TRUE feedback! Please be honest because I want to see what YOU'D like to see on my blog! Anyway, enjoy!!

Friday, September 25, 2020

🎨Dot Art - Calendar art🎨

 🃏Hello my Cholos! For the past term we have been doing calendar art! There was three choices, I choose dot art. In Dot art we used a cotton bud to make circles. We were only allowed 4 colours maximum, (Even though people still used 5 colours) The colours I choose was, Pink, Purple, Green and White. Green is my favourite colour! :)🖌️

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

🥣Wonder Profile💧

🧊Hello! Im Ella-Pearl. Today I created my own Wonder Profile in reading! Wonder is a book about a boy named August. My birthday is in August so this is one of my favorite books! August was born in October. We are on page 76-77 and chapter The Bloody Scream. I found it challenging to find the right face shape or the right hair. After you've finished your profile, you get to choose your own preset. My preset was 'Even if you don't win, listen to the small voice inside of you that says your always a winner.' -Josh. If you don't like your first preset, you can get a new one by pressing the button you got your first preset on. Although my profile does look like me AT ALL, Im still proud of it! Here's the Link. I'd love to see your profiles!  Comment if you find something wrong with the link or website and i'll try my best to reply as fast as I can! Love you guys! (Not in a weird way)🧊

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Mini Lesson 20 - Show Don't Tell.

 Today in writing we had Mrs H, we did a mini lesson today. We had pictures that had people showing different emotions and we had to write a sentence about the picture, BUT we weren't allowed to add the feeling the picture was about. Its easier done that said! It sounds complicated but it really isn't! The thing I found challenging was trying to not add the actual word in the sentence. Welp, enough talking, here's my work. Make sure to give me feedback in the comments. Goodbye and have a great day/night. Love you! (Not like in a weird way though-)

1~9~20, 10:38AM

Monday, August 3, 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Matariki Free Verse Poems!

Hello people, aliens or maybe even animals! Hope you've had a good evening! 

Today I will be talking about 'Free Verse Poems', A FVP(Free Verse Poem) Is a poem, (Of course) But it doesn't have to rhyme! You can make ANYTHING into a free verse poem, but because Matariki Is coming, We write one about it!, We had a look at different poems to get inspiration.
Here's Mine!!

And Here's some of my favorites! ;


Monday, June 15, 2020

Half Face, Half Sketch.


Hi, Im Ella-Pearl
For the term we've been working on a piece of 'art', We cut a side of our face of (NOT REALLY) and stuck it on some paper. Then we tried too duplicate it by drawing it on the other side of the page. Everyone in our space did it so you should check their blogs out!! I will link the site at the end!
The things I found hard doing this was doing the eyes because we had to TRY make it look real. So, im not gonna keep you guys/girls waiting so heres my 'Piece Of Art'

As I said, I will link the site, So Here's The Site. And Here's The Site Blog!
Go check it out!


Thursday, May 7, 2020

Whats A Quality Blog Post!? Find Out Here!

Ello, Im Ella-Pearl and today in writing we did some slides about what a quality blog post should have! All blog post should at least have some labels, A catchy title and a blurb! Comment what you think a quality blog post should have! When you look through these slides, if YOU have made a blog post before... Check if they have these things! If you do all these things, You will be able to get loads of page viewers and they would what to come back! Also if you click on the picture you can go to their blogs and read their other blogs!

Well heres my slides!

Certificate For a Soccer Dad

Hello! Im Ella-Pearl! Today Im blogging a Certificate that I made on Week 7? I dont know but it was from a book that we read, Me and Kate called him a Soccer dad! The story is about a daughter forces the dad to play Soccer even though hes had no experience at all! He ends up giving his team loads of red cards! 

Do you play any sports and who made you interested in playing them!? Here´s the Certificate that I made for him!:

Friday, May 1, 2020

Prehistoric Times!

A few weeks ago we made a comic about prehistoric times using the app Pixton (its free to use!)! We had to make a comic about the what we/the person in the comic think about prehistoric times! Most of us (Including me) Made it so that we went back in time! I made mine about me and my friend Ella, traveled back in time and we find some dinosaurs, We run away from them and hide in a tiki tent, Read more to find out what happens next! The thing i found challenging was trying to always remember to put the speech marks! But eventually i got way better at doing it!

Make sure to comment what you do if you where in a situation like this!

Heres my comic!


Is It True!? - Comic Writing

This week in writing we have been making another comic using Pixton (Click Here For Link) To make a TV show about a truth or a lie! I chose to name the show Is It True? Its a game where the guest (Me) tell the audience (You) a Truth about me and a Lie about me, Can Y O U figure out the Truth And The Lie!? I thing I found challenging is always moving around the faces and their body/ movements.

Each week we do a new comic or learn a new way to make our writing better!

!!CHALLENGE!!  Maybe you guys can maybe spot out what has changed from my Bucket List comic, and my Is It True!? Comic! Comment what you think is the Lie And The Truth!

Heres my comic! Remember... Choose carefully, Whats the Truth! And whats the Lie! ALSO P.S put WHY you think its the lie, and why its the truth!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Halloween, Chapter 10 Harry Potter

Today in reading we read the chapter Halloween from Harry Potter, We did some activity about them, Have you ever heard about Harry Potter? Or do YOU Read Harry Potter?

Comment your most FAVORITE Halloween, And why its your favorite

Friday, April 24, 2020

Digital Time

Today in math we did the activity about Digital Time. Have you ever heard about digital time? At the end of the slides theirs so games you can play thats based on time, you should give them a go! Anyway, heres my slides about Digital Time! Comment what math things you have been doing on your hangouts and what you know about time!

Have a good day/night!


Monday, April 20, 2020

Telling Time

Today's Session in math was about time! We learnt even more different ways how to say the time like 7,11 or 8 thirty! We did a sheet and we used the Teaching Clock Its a thing were you can change the ways the clock goes and stuff! Heres my one!

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Dragons Wings

My Bucket List Comic!

This week in writing we made a comic about our bucket list! We used the program Pixton, Its an app were you can make a comic! Id recommend making a comic over the lock down! The tricky thing was you had to keep on changing the background and the character and the text. But the fun bit was how you could change the outfit and their pose and expressions! Heres my comic!:

People used in this Comic:
Day 1; Sophie And Me
Day 2; Cara/Miss McLeod And Me
Day 3; Angela And Me
Day 4; Sovereign And Me
Day 5-7 ; Me

 Comment what you like about it and what i should change

if you made it this far in my blog post, at the end of your comment write a smiley face like this, :)

Thursday, March 19, 2020

What's Important In a Friend To Me?

These are the five things I want in a friend :)

Ignore that it says Polite, I actually mean KInd :L

comment what you'd like in a friend! :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Brain Teaser

Yesterday and today we've been doing a brain teaser. This is the way I found out the answer and I also worked it out;

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Yesterday we made a art project from nice things other people said about us. I had to find loads of different fonts and colors. i like pastel colors so i did a pastel rainbow.

its kinda blurry but yeah. ;3 the last one was the one i made.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Suffix Poster

A few weeks ago we ( Me and Kate ) started a suffix poster. actually the whole Miss McClelland's group started it. We had the suffix Er (someone's job) here's our poster check out her blog;

Friday, March 13, 2020


A few weeks ago in reading. my group,  r.l stine did a certificate for a dad that didn't want to play soccer, here's mine

🕸Story Web🕸

last week in miss mcleod's reading group in rl stine we made a story web here's mine,

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Brain Teaser 11-3-2020

Comment other answers you could do!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Number Of The Week

Yesterday we had a new number of the week the number was 35,926 here's my work

Comment if you think i did something wrong baiii felisha

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Brain Teaser

Today the whole of Miss McLeod's Math Class did a brain teaser:

The Answer is is 6 5 1 at the top 4 in the middle and 7 3 2 at the bottom. 6+5= 11 +1 equals 12 and 6+4= 10 +2= 12 7+3=10+2= 12 1+4= 5+ 7= 12 :L 

So i did it right :) try this yourself see if you can do it differently  

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Greetings :D

Hey Readers today i'm going to show you different ways to greet people in Maori. Its not all of them but this is what we learnt :3

Kia ora - Hi Hello G'day Welcome.

Ata Marie - Good morning 

Ahiahi Marie - Good Afternoon

Po Marie - Good Night

Tena Koe - Hello ( To 1 )

Tena korua - Hello ( To 2 )

Tena Koutou - Hello ( To 3 or more )

Animation :D

For the last few days ive been working on the animation. please rate it a 1-10 in the comments and tell me what i could make better and whats good about it :) thank you. Here it is:pls give me feedback :D

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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

First Day Of School 2020

School 2020
On Thursday the 30th ( 1st day of school ) 
I was pretty nervous when I walked in those doors, but then when the day went on it started getting better, I am happy with my teacher and i'm glad that i'm in a homeroom with my friends.